Cheetham Associates Ltd.

Consulting Forensic Engineers

Consulting Forensic Engineers

Witness Statements

(Preparation with Optional Advice)

Witnesses are interviewed and detailed statements in accordance with current protocol are prepared on their behalf, interlocking with evidence of other key witnesses if appropriate, for the representatives of either Claimant or Defendant and addressing issues of liability and/or quantum as required.

Having drawn upon considerable experience of engineering and the investigation of accidents, industrial diseases and disputes, these documents have proven to be of great value to members of the legal profession on many occasions when such detailed evidence would otherwise have been difficult, impracticable or prohibitively expensive to obtain.

When witness statements have not been required for disclosure, but where detailed, accurate and non-ambiguous evidence has been required in order to accurately assess the prospects of success and/or the most expedient means of progressing a case, detailed interviews of witnesses have been conducted and witness statements have been prepared as a means of accurately documenting the evidence gathered.

This activity is carried out at very economical rates and no premium is charged for the obvious benefits of this work being carried out by personnel with highly relevant experience. Then, having had the benefit of interviewing one or more witnesses for the purpose of statement preparation and therefore having already spent the time necessary to gain a clear understanding of the case issues a brief, very cost effective letter of Advice can optionally be prepared with reference to causation, breaches of Statutory Duty and reference to relevant material within the public domain.

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